Thunder Rock

Volume 2 of the Trail Talker Trilogy

by George A. O’Brien

Thunder Mountain, book by George A O'Brien
Thunder Rock by George A O’Brien

It was 1530, and the peaceful Indians of western Alabama have expanded their territory down to the shore of the southern sea. The number and size of their earthen burial mounds have expanded, mimicking Mexico’s stone pyramids. Then, a stranger arrives from Mexico bringing surprising news from ten generations prior.

Thunder Rock, the Trail Talker, brings to life the stories of Chief Acorn Fox and Spanish navigator, Juan Álvarez de Rajano, as they were drawn into conflicts with aggressive neighbors like Tuscaloosa, and ultimately, the rampaging Conquistadors. His audiences from Volume 1 are no longer children, they are grown, and one has become chief. Acorn Fox, guided by the shaman’s visions, must steer a course away from the power of the Cloud Boat people. Or they are doomed.