Latest release: Dominion 2024

In this shocking sequel to Time of Ends, the outlaw People’s Second Amendment Militia scour the country for Alt-Right extremists. Bill Garrigan rejoins his 2 AM vigilante friends trying to thwart Allegiance America, a right-wing cadre aiming to restore deposed President Travvis E. Donnelly to power. Donnelly escapes to remote hideouts in the nation’s heartland, where sympathetic politicians turn a blind eye to federal law enforcement. The military Junta’s efforts to return the country to its democratic roots are foiled by traitors aligned with Donnelly. Despite their violent behavior, 2 AM supports the Junta in their search for Donnelly and his enablers. Donnelly gains support from enough states to propose a new nation, Dominion, built on twisted Christian values. The Junta finds itself in a delicate balance between civil war and allowing Donnelly to succeed. Outlaw 2 AM members find themselves choosing to assist the Junta at the risk of losing their personal freedom.

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Moss Creek Publishing

Moss Creek Publishing was formed to give a voice to new authors. The site features fiction from multiple genres, especially stories that don’t fit neatly into a narrow category. For example, we are displaying novels from two authors with very different subjects.

One has written politically-charged books and its commentary ranges over broad areas of social concern. They are “Political Thrillers,” but not exactly.

The second series, on the surface, is Historical Fiction about Native Americans. The author tempers that description to emphasize “small h” history and “large F” fiction. There is as much imagination as there is anthropology in it.


Dominion 2024
by Geoff Robberts

Time of Ends

Time of Ends
by Geoff Robberts

Night Mountain, book by George A. O'Brien

Night Mountain
by George A. O’Brien

Thunder Mountain, book by George A O'Brien

Thunder Rock
by George A. O’Brien

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Terrifying political reality.”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

An enthralling read for anyone interested in a native American journey

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Sleeping well is not easy when you don’t know what tomorrow brings..”

Dominion 2024 is a powerful, action-packed novel of partisan politics run amok in the clutches of fake conspiracy theories, brainwashing of the masses, hypocritical religion fueled support for the “divinely chosen” former president and megalomaniacal leadership. In short, an extension of our current evening news. With big PAC money. traitors to the constitution, malcontents, and extremists in the mix along with frighteningly plausible scenarios, this is deeply disturbing but definitely worth a read, especially if you donít think the US is well onto a path headed for disaster and self-destruction.”

– Lynne H.

Night Mountain is an excellent read, particularly for the younger audience. There is a lot to like about this book. You’ll experience love, fear, war, tornadoes, snake bites, and more, that will keep you enthralled until the end. Overall, a highly enjoyable book, and highly recommended.

– John F.

Time of Ends will make you look more closely at both friends and neighbors. Characters that jump from our everyday lives into haunted and hunted acquaintances. From the intermingled images of it cover to the stark imagery of casual murder, the story examines how the ordinary citizen can be moved to extraordinary violence in the name of “doing right”. Politics taken to the extreme by our peers. A worthy read.


  • Christian Nationalism

    “The new documentary ‘God & Country,’ scheduled for release Friday and produced by Hollywood mogul Rob Reiner, warns in ominous tones about the Christian nationalists lurking around every corner.” Or so warns Daniel Darling, a USA Today opinion contributor today, 2/16/2024.

    It’s a long piece – go read it.

    But Geoff Robberts made up his mind last year when he published the second novel in his 2AM Militia series. Dominion 2024 – The Next Civil War explores the attempt by a renegade president to form a Christian nation.

    Dominion 2024 was written before the elevation of Mike Johnson to House Speaker. Reiner worries about the undercurrents in DC now. Robberts goes further and explodes the myth that we should ignore the separation of church and state.

    Head to Amazon and get Dominion and book one, also: Time of Ends – An Apocalyptic Political Polemic. Two powerhouse pieces that have frightening parallels to the current political situation, foretelling dangerous events before they occur.

  • Triggering Event

    Morning from the East Coast. Curtis here to make a couple of observations. With the terrible events in Gaza, the antisemitism, and with religion mixed up with politics, and the governing of nations, Geoff Robberts reminded me of the fictional steps some of the characters in Time of Ends took. Look for Gil Lehrman, Ari and Hannah Liefman.

    And see what happens to: “Louie LaFontaine, a representative from Houma, Louisiana, was a Holocaust denier . . .

    “Nobody knew why. He had covered up his early white supremacist leanings well. Might have been parental animosity to Ben Shapiro of Shapiro’s Mercantile in . . . LA. Not like old Ben got rich selling Lee jeans at the same price as the Walmart up in New Iberia. Not like he had a big house or an obnoxious family. No, Ben was a Jew, and the LaFontaine clan took a visceral dislike to Jews. He whispered his hatred ever so quietly; there never was a public scandal when Louie got elected.

    “However, Louie sat on the House Committee on Education and Labor. His stance on student loan forgiveness was a thorn in the progressives’ side for the last two years. This wasn’t unexpected since Louie earned an associate degree from an in-state school and had no debt issues himself.

    “When lobby groups took up the Holocaust education cause, Louie found a million ways to stifle any robust attempt by an already reluctant secretary of education. That might have been the end of the process until Louie was overheard on an open mike vehemently denying that it ever happened. No Treblinka, no Auschwitz, no forced labor, no gas, no piles of emaciated bodies.

    “Bill went ballistic and got another warning note to Reuters drafted. Took a deep breath and called his nephew instead.”

    Dig into the book!!

  • More Books!

    Curtis See here again. We are pleased to have a new novel from Geoff Robberts. As our opening page indicates Dominion 2024 is now available on Amazon. This sequel to Time of Ends traces the machinations of deposed President Thomas Donnelly as he evades law enforcement and convinces politically sympathetic states to let him form a new country. Their secession starts armed conflict with the military Junta running the U.S. As the subtitle tells us, Donnelly starts the The Next Civil War.

    Bill Garrigan and his People’s Second Amendment Militia try to thwart Donnelly and feed surveillance info to the Junta. However, Donnelly is aided by traitors within the legitimate government.

    Read it now!